
How Can Dental Implants Improve Your Life

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How Dental Implants Can Benefit You In Your Retirement Years

Whether you're missing a few teeth or have all your teeth out, implants can make your life better. You may think you're too old for implants and that you're doomed to settle for dentures that don't fit well. However, people of any age can have implants, and they are very beneficial for those in their senior years who have to wear dentures. Here are some ways implants can improve your life when you're an older adult.

Your Diet May Improve When You Can Chew Better

When you have missing teeth, advanced dental problems, or wear dentures it is difficult to chew certain foods. You may alter your diet to accommodate your inability to chew well and miss out on eating things like raw carrots or meat. Implants are topped with a crown or they hold onto dentures. This gives you artificial teeth that are just as strong and stable as real teeth. With implants, you can eat a varied and more healthy diet. Good nutrition is important at any age, but it is particularly important when you're a senior. …show more content…

You don't want to spend your days in social isolation, but you may be embarrassed by your missing teeth and avoid social situations. Even if you have dentures, you may avoid dining with friends or things like speaking in groups because you never know when your dentures will slip when you eat or click when you speak. Implants will hold your dentures steady so you can eat in public and even take up public speaking.

You'll never need to worry about embarrassing mishaps when your dentures are anchored with implants. If you only have a few teeth missing in the front and you don't wear dentures, then getting implants with crowns will restore your smile and make you feel comfortable smiling and laughing in public again. You won't have to cover your mouth or hold in laughter just to hide your

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