
Should Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth?

Decent Essays

Dental implants have become the preferred method of replacing lost teeth, and the reasons are clear. Implants are permanent, durable, beautiful, and highly functional. Implants actually replace your original teeth, so that you can continue to eat, laugh, sing, and lead an active lifestyle.

Most people make good candidates for dental implants. Our staff will carefully evaluate your situation and provide you with recommendations and a treatment plan.

Here are some questions patients often ask at their initial consultation.

Why are implants such a good solution for missing teeth?
Dental implants replace the missing tooth as well as the root, so they are an ideal method of replacing most missing teeth, regardless of why they were lost. …show more content…

Next, a new tooth is permanently attached to the post. Your new tooth will become virtually indistinguishable from a natural tooth. You can bite with your new tooth, chew with it, brush it, and do nearly anything else you would do with a natural tooth.

What if my teeth are crowded?
Our staff may recommend that you integrate an orthodontic solution into your treatment plan in order to prepare for an implant. Together, these procedures will provide you with the best smile.

What if my teeth are crooked?
Our staff may include orthodontic treatment as part of your treatment plan, or suggest other procedures to prepare your mouth to accept dental implants. What if I have an overbite or an underbite?
In this case, your treatment plan may include orthodontic treatment.

What if I have gum disease?
At your first visit, you will be evaluated for gum disease, and a treatment plan will be implemented. Once your gum infection has been treated, you can continue with your plan to get implants

What if I have cavities?
Treatment for cavities will be integrated into your treatment plan.

Am I too old for dental

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