
How Closely Do You Monitor Your Credit Card Statement?

Decent Essays

How closely do you monitor your credit card statement? We 've all done it, we keep track in our head of how much we 've spent, we receive our bill, glance at the total, glance at the minimum payment and then we write a check (or pay online). Afterwards we file the bill or throw it on the pile with the rest of the mail, or shred it, or what have you. If this sounds familiar, then you might want to change the way you 're viewing your credit card statements. For the majority of credit card holders, the easiest way to spot fraud is either a) get a call from the credit card company about 'unusual activity ' or b) to notice a large purchase on your bill that doesn 't look familiar. ICH Services is the newest credit card scheme to come to …show more content…

That someone made a duplicate copy of the card so that someone else could use it. We didn 't find out about the fraud until the credit card company called. They started by asking if any of us had traveled to China lately. My parents were like...China? Apparently the duplicate copy was being used (very frequently) in China, the user had racked up thousands of dollars in credit card purchases. We couldn 't believe it! Fortunately we had fraud protection on the card so we didn 't lose any money, but it was unbelievable to see just how easy it is to steal credit card information. My other personal experience with credit card fraud was much more recent. I am an avid eBayer, therefore I put my PayPal account to good use; I even have a PayPal plus credit card that allows me to get rewards towards eBay purchases. One day I was online looking at my credit card statement when I noticed a purchase equaling $150.00 that I didn 't make. It was to an art store located in San Francisco. I called PayPal and reported the charge, they instantly gave me my money back (which made me very happy) but I honestly don 't know what ever happened to the person who charged the card. I went through an intricate process of changing my information and my passwords on PayPal so that the individual couldn 't get into my account again, but nothing ever happened beyond that. The only lesson that can be

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