
How Did Adam Smith Create A Perfect Government

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Adam Smith was an economist and philosopher whose ideas heavily influenced the constructions and developments of modern economics. After completing his primary education in his hometown in Scotland, Smith, at age 14, was accepted into the University of Glasgow on a scholarship (“Adam Smith”). Three years later, in 1740, he attended Balliol College of Oxford; from Oxford, Smith earned a degree and graduated from the school with an expansive understanding of literature (“Adam Smith”). After completing his education, Smith began giving lectures throughout universities including the University of Edinburgh; from these lectures, Smith gained a reputable status in the education world. In 1751, this renowned position earned him a place in Glasgow’s …show more content…

Smith’s ideal government included a system of independent states that would provide almost all of services including: “schooling, transportation infrastructure, and waste removal” for its people while having a federal government that will provide the county with a standing army that will used even in times of peace (Walvoord). By allowing the states to independently trade, he reasoned that duties would not be placed on all exported goods and would be allow manufacturers to produce an excess and gain a higher profit, thus increasing the wealth of the nation (Walvoord). However, while his method for independent states allowed for more revenue he added that the federal government will have to provide a standing army to be able to keep peace while trading with hostile countries (Walvoord). Smith details the specifcs regarding the military power of governments in his book by saying, “The first duty of the sovereign, that of protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other independent societies, can be performed only by means of a military force" (Walvoord). Smith’s government in addition, called for a ruler who had money, linage, and power to settle conflicts that might arise and generate revenue, thus creating an effective …show more content…

Paul Mueller, an economics professor at King’s College, credits the rapid growth of education in Scotland to the Scottish Presbyterian Church, who were determined to bring education by “establishing a small parish school in every town and village in the Scottish Lowlands” (Mueller). During his lifetime, Smith made many comments on the education structure in Scotland, but was ultimately in favor of the system established by the church. Smith himself was a “professor for moral philosophy...a private tutor.. [and] an influential public intellectual” (Mueller) and came into contact with many Enlightenment thinkers when touring France as a tutor for a notable

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