
How Did American Literature Influence The 1920s

Decent Essays

American literature has been established for centuries. From the cave paintings of the Native Americans, to the novels documenting the events of World War II, time periods have greatly influenced the literature produced. The writings of the Puritans focused on God and their faith and the writings of the revolutionaries focused on achieving freedom from Great Britain. As history continued, the writings of each time period remained relevant and inspired by that time period. In the 1920s, women were becoming liberated. As a result, many tried their hand at writing. The writing of female authors during the 1920s was immensely influenced by American society. The 1920s was a decade of prosperity and change. The decade brought about a growth in consumerism and the …show more content…

American business increased productivity, developed new marketing, and refined techniques for public relations (Goldberg). After World War I, the United States were trading with more countries on the other side of the world. Worker wages increased during the decade. Technological inventions and machines aided in the growth of business. With the introduction of machinery in factories, products were able to be made and shipped out faster. As the amount of products increased, prices dropped, allowing many citizens to purchase items they would not have been able to afford a decade earlier. The growth of business in American gave rise to consumerism and mass culture. The creation of the assembly line in factories, increased production. Due to quick production and distribution, people throughout the nation were able to purchase items cheaper and receive them easier than they could previously. Mass consumption resulted, forming a society in which people owned and obtained the same belongings. Additionally, people were buying on credit. They were using credit cards to acquire items that they could not afford at the moment of

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