Men from ancient times performed many astonishing feats. For example, ancient Egyptians built giant pyramids. One pyramid from over one million blocks, each weighing more than two tons. The ancient Israelites were chosen by God to record and preserve his word perfectly accurate. The ancient Greeks were amazing thinkers and founded one of the first democracies. They were also competitive athletes and gave us the idea for the olympics. The ancient romans were brilliant engineers, they became famous for building colosseum and aqueducts for flowing water. They also built sophisticated system of over 50,000 miles of road. People of ancient time are remarkable
Would you believe it if the building technique of structures built thousands of years still wasn’t completely settled. In this case, the structures are the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Even though the structures were built thousands of years ago, they are still hotly debated to this day. No theories have been completely proven. That also means that no theories have been denied either. Mysterious theories surround how the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt were built.
The Greeks were one of the most powerful and smartest civilizations before the common era. There were many Greek civilizations and city-states such as the Myceneans, Dorians, Athenians, Spartans, and many more. The Greeks had many different types of government such as a Democracy, Monarchy, Oligarchy, etc. They had many philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. They had some of the most intelligent mathematicians and scientists like Euclid, Archimedes, and Hippocrates. Some things that the Greeks used to do back then we still continue to do today such as the Olympics and being a Democracy. The Ancient Greeks had huge impact and affected Western civilizations today.
The farmers were responsible for providing food and tending the crops of Ancient Egypt. The people knew that without the farmers they couldn't survive. The life of a farmer revolved around the Nile River and its flooding seasons. When the river was full and no land could be farmed the farmers built construction projects for the Pharaoh's and other important people. While the river wasn't full farmers farmed and raised livestock.
Men of the Ancient World performed unbelievable feats. One example of those amazing feats were the Ancient Egyptians crafting of the towering pyramids. One pyramid could be fashioned with more than one million bricks each weighing over two tons. Another example of a miraculous feat is how the Israelites were chosen by God to precisely record his exact words. Ancient Greeks were exquisite thinkers who built up one of the first democracies. They were also extremely skilled athletes who gave us the idea for the Olympics. The Romans were exceptional engineers who designed and built the Colosseum, as well as aqueducts for running water. They also built an intricate system of over five thousand miles of roads. The people of The Astounding Ancient
Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians used different type of stone materials to build the Great Pyramids as it is known, Egypt is a very rich country with stones that it was referred to as the "state of stone”. It has a great amount of various limestone formation which the Egyptians used to call the “white stone". Egypt is also rich with sandstone, but it was not really used that often during that era.
The Romans were the most successful ancient civilization. They had an extremely strong military that helped them win many wars. They were great inventors, which lead them to prosperity. The Romans had a fantastic culture that makes them respected by many today.
I recognize the fact that I am not a historian, so my opinion isn’t necessarily the best on this topic. However, I do believe that the Egyptians were able to build the pyramids themselves partially because it’s what I’ve been told throughout my education, but also because I don’t understand who could have helped them build the pyramids. Additionally, I think saying that they were not intelligent enough to do it themselves is a really big assumption because there is no way for us to know about their true intelligence or potential. Overall, I know that this debate will probably last a long time until there is conclusive evidence for either side.
You're probably wondering who built the Great Pyramids? According to Harvard Semitic museum associate Mark Lehner, he found the city of the pyramid builders. The Supreme Council of antiques has been excavating a worker's sanctuary. Those who built the pyramids were risking their lives. If you were a child, you were building these pyramids too. Some popular pieces of history said that foreigners or even slaves were forced into labor. Some of the skeletons were excavated and that shows us that some of the worker were native Egyptians labors that worked during the flood of the Nile.
The Romans were the most successful ancient civilization, for their architecture and construction, government and justice system, and their military prowess. They were able to construct still standing buildings, invent the Republic, and conquer the Mediterranean.
The ancient Greeks had many great accomplishments they are known for today. They had many great minds whose thoughts and ideas are still greatly appreciated for today. They were fans of sports and arts. They were shrewd when it came to inventions.. The Greeks have had made the biggest impact because of their work in democracy, philosophy, science, and things they have invented.
Starting with the Sumerians, they were able to create some very useful inventions and different sciences which we use today like the wheel, sail, plow and were the first to use bronze which all of these are so common today. They also developed arches, columns, ramps, pyramids, made advances in arithmetic and geometry, studies astronomy, chemistry, and medicine, and developed the form of writing called cuneiform which were huge developments that were needed to be made when building their civilization from the ground up. Next up are the Egyptians who created arguably in my opinion one of the most genius inventions for their time period which was the modern day calendar with 365 days and 12 months. Some other things that they were able to make and advance are the hieroglyphics writing system, used papyrus like sheets made from papyrus reed used for writing, developed system of written numbers and geometry, and made medicine famous in the ancient world. Next is the Harappan civilization where they were able to create plumbing and sewage systems which were a huge step from going anywhere you want and was an ingenious idea for people who don’t have the modern sewage systems like today.
The Egyptian pyramids have been the subject of many outlandish claims and construction theories for centuries. The Great Pyramid for example has been associated with pyramid power, curses, Atlantis, Mexican pyramids, Stonehenge, Nazca, the Bermuda Triangle, Biblical prophecy, Martian faces, advanced civilizations, space aliens, cavity resonators, and even levitation. It is not surprising that some who have proposed such theories have been dubbed "pyramidiots". This paper will attempt to give a more logical solution to the methods ancient Egyptians may have had used, and the problems they may have had, using factual information, scientific evidence and a bit of common sense.
This essay focuses on two different types of pyramids; the Step pyramid which was the first pyramid and the Great pyramid, which was the largest pyramid built in Egypt. The essay investigates the meaning of the selected forms for the Egyptian culture and explains their dialog with the cosmos.
Pyramids greatness is beyond comprehension. The ancients who built the pyramids in Egypt were the greatest architects to ever live. Their very precise designs while using primitive tools is superb to what we see today. They built this monu-ments for the pharaohs that ruled over them. The creation of the pyramids is incredible.
There are many civilizations in history that contributed to the rise of modern day society. All of the things that we see today have been in some way shape or form improved upon to stand the test of time. From the structures of buildings, religion and pyramids, to the influence of art, it all played a part. The ancient civilization of the Egyptians was one of the most significant and well known cultures to ever have existed and technology wise, they were light years ahead.