
How Did Ancient Greece Develop

Satisfactory Essays

Most ancient civilisations were well developed and they proved this by surviving over thousands of years. Ancient Egypt had very well developed architectural practices, for example. Whilst Ancient Greece was well developed in their politics, they still had room for improvement in other areas. Finally, Ancient China can be seen to have been under developed and very unfair in the way that they treated women.

Ancient Greece had a well-developed society, well developed architecture, religion and well developed democracy. Ancient Greece’s architecture was also very well developed because they used very strong materials like marble and stone. Some of their buildings are even here today, for example the temple of Artemis and the Erecthheion both …show more content…

Ancient Egypt had one of the most well developed architectural practices throughout time. We have evidence of this because of this example, the pyramids, these massive incredible structures are built out of sand stone with a series of rooms and hallways to the rooms where past Pharos were kept when they died, in a sarcophagus. From this information, you can tell that the Egyptians would have needed very smart people to design and figure out how to build the pyramids and space them perfectly. This proves that Ancient Egyptians were well developed.
Ancient China had very well developed art, architecture and farming. The ancient Chinese created incredible inventions to help with farming, for example, they created the hoe to help prepare the dirt for planting seeds, a Winnowing Machine to help remove the outer shells from husks from grains, and the Human Hammer for harvested grain to be crushed by a tilt hammer. Most farmers were peasants. Ancient China also had very well developed architecture, ancient Chinese architecture was mostly timber work which consisted of wooden posts, beams, joists and lintels that would be used to make up the frame of a house or simple structure. An example of how well their architecture was developed is that materials they used could withstand over thousands of years, some structures like the Great Wall of China, which was made from a series of stone bricks hand placed built by several

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