
How Did Fahrenheit 451 Change Montag

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Ray Bradbury in the book Fahrenheit 451 introduces Montag and Clarisse at the beginning of the book when they meet and they were two completely different people. Clarisse was very different and did things that the society thought were wrong. She was “antisocial” and her family was different as well. Montag was a fireman, and he burned books, he thought books weren’t good and didn’t understand why care to read. They were shown as two different types of people, but as time went on Montag changed. Clarisse’s influence affected the way Montag was. His way of thinking and doing completely changed. Montag said he saw himself in Clarisse. “He glanced back at the wall. How like a mirror, too, her face. Impossible; for how many people did you know …show more content…

Clarisse was a very wise person, as to Montag he was very limited. His thoughts and the way he acted were somewhat like the people in their society. These people were very limited and ignorant. In the book it says,” ‘Bet I know something else you don't. There's dew on the grass in the morning.’ He suddenly couldn't remember if he had known this or not, and it made him quite irritable. ‘And if you look’-she nodded at the sky-’there's a man in the moon.’ He hadn't looked for a long time.” When Clarisse asks him about this, we can tell she is very observant. She cares for those little things, as to Montag he had never payed attention to those small details. Montag had never analysed or stopped to think of what was going on with his life. As Clarisse starts to ask Montag questions and as they walk together, that makes their friendship closer. They build some sort of confidence and become …show more content…

He started to become more like Clarisse. Throughout the story his actions changed, he wasn’t the same as he was. He started to actually think for himself, and do normal things. “ ‘It doesn't show.’ ‘I am very much in love!’ He tried to conjure up a face to fit the words, but there was no face. ‘I am !’ ‘Oh please don't look that way.’ ‘It's that dandelion," he said. ‘You've used it all up on yourself. That's why it won't work for me.’ ‘Of course, that must be it. Oh, now I've upset you, I can see I have; I'm sorry, really I am.’ She touched his elbow.” In this quote, Clarisse makes Montag question his love life. Did he really love Mildred? Montag questioned his life after this little game Clarisse showed

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