
How Did Flappers Affect The 20's

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Flappers of the 20’s changed the standards of femininity forever in many ways. The major thing that these flapper girls did was make femininity marketable. Before the flapper generation, many women took part in the political realm and fought to have the same rights that men had. However, these flapper women wanted nothing to do with politics like their mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers did. These women found politics boring, and these women only wanted to have fun. These women changed society in many ways, I believe that it was not for the better. These women did many things in the 20’s that still have a huge impact on women today. The flapper girls wanted to promote their sexuality and did so in a very carefree, and careless way. …show more content…

The depression changed everyone’s role in society and people were fighting to stay alive. Women had no room to fight for women’s rights because they were too worried about feeding and clothing themselves and their families. Women who had worked so hard to advance their careers and for political freedom found themselves once again back in the domestic roles that the Cult of Domesticity had laid out for them. Moms were responsible for stretching resources and making sure that everyone was fed. This meant that sometimes women would go hungry just so their husbands and children could eat. Women were also the first to be laid off from jobs and if a woman was able to still work she was treated with immense hostility. Men believed that women should not be “compete with them for jobs and that women belonged in the home” (Pg 10). This led to a huge rise in violence against women. Women were treated like garbage during the Great Depression, and the Cult of Domesticity still prevailed because it was said that women were inferior and that their main goal was to take care of their husbands and children. During the Great Depression women had no choice but to follow these rules because the children were depending on them. It was also horrible to read about how widows or single women were treated. They had the worst conditions and no one cared to help them. People believed that it was their fault and they deserved to be where they were. Overall, it was awful how women were treated during the Great Depression, and because of the Cult of Domesticity, people saw no problem with

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