
How Did Frederick Douglass Build A Breaking Point

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We are only strong to a certain point. We can only bend so far before we break. Frederick Douglass is an African American abolitionist leader who was born into slavery around 1818. Douglass slave owner was Covey and he always managed to find a way to punish his slaves. Douglass was at least whipped once a week. He didn’t even have time to heal from his previous beating before he was whipped again. This is what caused Douglass “ breaking point’’. When Douglass became older he realized that slave owners wanted to mentally, physically and emotionally break down their slaves. His book , Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, basically tell us how he was strong at a certain point in life until he had a breaking point that …show more content…

According to Douglass book, months pass and Douglass began to break under strain. When he first came to Covey’s Farm , he had been a little “unmanageable” , as he put it. After months of constant work and beatings, his mind began to weaken. Covey is “taming” him. Douglass make this statement to show how he was difficult to manage at first then he became easier to maintain. The word taming is to describe how Covey is mentally breaking him down so he could be easier to control. Later in the book, his breaking point turn into a success story. In Douglass’ book he describe to us “ The Battle with Mr. Covey” when he fought back. This Battle with Mr. Covey was the turning point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a sense of my own manhood. It recalled the departed self- confidence, and inspired me again with a determination to be free. ( Douglass 3) This breaking point in “ The Battle with Mr. Covey” is showing us how fighting back with Mr. Covey gain his mental health back. Frederick no longer felt like he was a slave. In his mind his breaking point made him into a better person , a free

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