
How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute To The Abolitionist Movement

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Harriet Tubman Research Paper Harriet Tubman is a valuable figure in history and helped inspire people throughout her lifespan. She is a black female figure that is from Maryland and known globally for the actions she did for slaves during segregational times. She has made a heavy impact on the people she assisted and future generations. Harriet Tubman has contributed to the abolition movement in various important ways, along with facing many difficulties and inspiring many throughout her life span and now. The abolitionist movement was implemented to promote and fight for civil rights and equality between all races, which Harriet Tubman participated in. An article produced by, directly states, “Vowing to return to bring her family …show more content…

In another article, published by, the author explains, “...she had a trained ear for mimicking animal calls. “She used the hoot of the barred owl as a signal that she’d arrived,” says Angela Crenshaw,...” Tubman was known for discovering patterns and developing skills to help her escape successfully various times, even when traveling in large groups. To add, she often hid in holes and used secret codes to display her appearance. Harriet Tubman presented herself as someone who is smart and intelligent, in which she put that to use in the abolitionist movement. Being a black female activist in the time that she lived in was very difficult, causing her to face many difficulties throughout her journey. The article,, writes, “As an enslaved child, she endured a severe head injury when an overseer hurled a lead weight at her in anger.” She experienced various hardships, however she still continued to persevere and continue with her goals she set. This created public awareness, making her an inspirational figure that many could look up …show more content…

Harriet Tubman faced many difficult challenges prompted by slave owners and the people surrounding her, however she continued to persevere through her struggles and meet her goals. Her ideas and actions have sparked inspiration throughout new generations that continue in her footsteps as she was a valuable figure in civil rights movements. The article presented by, states, “She risked her own safety and freedom to help other enslaved people escape to freedom, and her actions helped to raise awareness about the injustices of slavery.” As a result of her presenting herself in a lot of civil rights movements, many that were fighting for the same thing felt motivated to join her. Tubman made people feel as if they were not alone in the journey and helped them build confidence to fight for what they believed. Utilizing the article, A Beacon of Resilience and Love : Harriet Tubman, the writer emphasizes, “...Harriet Tubman was a fighter, and her legacy continues to echo throughout the ages – long past her death in

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