
How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute To The Abolitionist Movement

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Hit in the head with a two-pound weight at just age thirteen, Harriet Tubman was familiar with the terms struggle and survival. Despite the challenges she faced during her time, Harriet Tubman managed to be a leading agent in the Underground Railroad. Risking her life, with the Fugitive Slave Act being put into action, she led over seventy slaves to freedom, paving the way for improvement in social justice for her people. As Harriet Tubman’s journey went on, she faced the Fugitive Slave Act, contributed to the Abolitionist Movement by playing a major role in the Underground Railroad, and inspired others to join the Abolitionist Movement by her brave actions and leadership. Being born into slavery, Harriet Tubman was prone to challenges. During …show more content…

In accordance with a passage known as, A Beacon Of Resilience and Love: Harriet Tubman, the author mentions, “Though Tubman was free, she was alone and without her family. Despite the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, over the next decade, Tubman returned to Maryland’s Eastern Shore 13 times. With her smarts, boldness, unwavering faith in God, and wilderness skills, she led 70 people to freedom, most of whom were family and friends, and provided instructions for 50-60 others to help them escape.” As explained in the evidence Harriet Tubman was the reason for over seventy slaves finding freedom. This contribution helped many slaves reach freedom. Adding on, if Tubman did not contribute to the Abolitionist Movement by risking her life to get others to freedom, there would most likely be a big delay in the movement that got us to the point we are at today. Going back to the same CNN article, utilizing the same piece of evidence, “And when Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which allowed authorities in non-slave states to capture and return escaped slaves to their owners, Tubman helped reroute the Underground Railroad to Canada.” This quote not only supports the fact that Tubman faced tremendous hardships, but that Tubman also made a significant impact in

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