
How Did Harriet Tubman Influence The Abolitionist Movement

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Leaders in the Abolitionist Movement The combined efforts of Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln played crucial roles in reshaping American history by making equality, fighting against slavery, and leading to its abolition. The abolitionist movement was a well-known event during the Civil War and was made to end slavery. Many people wanted to end slavery, they were called abolitionists. Three of the most popular abolitionists include Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Tubman. They have all helped slavery in all their ways, like how Harriet Tubman led many slaves to freedom on her Underground Railroad. Furthermore, Harriet Tubman's impact on the abolitionist movement helped the movement a lot.“The stories about …show more content…

“Rise up-for you the flag is flung–for you the bugle trills, For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths.” (Whitman 294). As this text shows, numerous amounts of people were not happy about his death and counted on him to end slavery as much as he could. Lastly, Frederick Douglass was a slave who had his mistress teach him to read and write, he also taught himself a lot. While he was taught reading and writing, he was also learning more about slaves and what they were typically used for, he did not like the way other slaves were treated. Although he was lucky enough to have a nice slave owner, he knew that many other slaves were not getting treated right from reading and learning from books he read. As Douglass learned more information about slaves and how slave owners treated the slaves, he began feeling sorrowful for all the slaves who were getting treated badly and started feeling that learning to read had been more of a curse than a blessing as said in this quote, “As I writhed under it, I would at times feel that learning how to read had been a curse rather than a blessing.” (Douglass,

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