
How Did Huckleberry Finn Change

Decent Essays

In the adventures of Huckleberry Finn the Mississippi River symbolizes growing up for Huckleberry. On his journey down the Mississippi River Huckleberry faces many obstacles that ultimately help him mature. While being on his own going down the Mississippi, Huckleberry transformed as a person. Huckleberry learns how to extinguish confrontations before they happen, deal with stressful situations, and even grow a prominent conscience.
A major turning point for Huckleberry as a character is when he starts to see the fault in scamming people. This realization happened when Jim and Huckleberry were traveling with the “Duke” and the “King” down the Mississippi River. Huckleberry said himself that he could not let the rapscallions steal from Mary Jane and the other girls. Before his trip there, and before all of his maturing from being on his own on the river he most likely would have let the men scam the poor innocent girls out of everything they own. By not allowing the men to scam he shows extreme growth in his conscience considering at the beginning of the story he had a sadistic way of thinking.
Huckleberry’s views also changed on his adventure as he grows into being his own person. He grew tolerance and a friendship with Jim, which was an abnormality of the time. Throughout the book he …show more content…

The Mississippi River supported the expansion of Huckleberry’s personality, but the people were not as accepting of his changes. He had to hide his hopeful thinking of freedom for his dear friend Jim. An example of this suppression of expansion was at the end of the story at Tom Sawyer’s aunt and uncle’s house, they had to hide how they were going to break Jim out of the slave quarters on the estate. On the river he did not have to hide his friendship or his wanting to help Jim. While on the river they were free to talk, laugh, and joke around as the friends they

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