
How Did It Affect World War 1

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World War I began in August of 1914 and continued for over a span of four years. For nearly three of those years the United States managed to stay out of the conflict because many Americans believed in the U.S. policy of isolationism and keeping out of foreign or European affairs. However, Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman Note ultimately saw the United States enter in their first world war. Entering into war was not favorable to many Americans who saw neutrality as their best bet during war time. Woodrow Wilson, president at the time, saw a need to get American behind the war effort and to see and end of anti-war efforts. These efforts would ultimately see a drastic change in the previously held American …show more content…

A great deal of this propaganda would come from Wilson’s newly established Committee on Public Information, headed by George Creel. Creel’s propaganda machine enforced a pro-Americanism approach in an effort to rally as much support as possible. His team would release newspapers, photographs, and even films promoting a propagandistic view of the war. This would lead and sway many Americans to into a more radical way of viewing not only German immigrants, but all immigrants and foreigners. This irrational fear, hatred, and intolerance of foreigners sparked by false propaganda would lead to stricter immigration restrictions. The enemy alien registration is one example which required every German-American to register with the government. The registration process also forced them to provide exact details of their immigration, their photographs, and fingerprints. Unfair tests for immigrant admittance into America, such as the literacy test, were also put in place and were made almost impossible to pass. This unfortunately lead to many foreigners not getting granted citizenship in the U.S. and many immigrants already in America to be treated as an enemy in a most unwelcomingly and degrading way. Another factor that greatly altered the ways in which Americans perceived liberty was the passing of the Espionage and Sedition Act. The Espionage Act of 1917 would charge penalties of up to $10,000, as well as a maximum twenty years served in a federal prison, to anyone who gave

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