
How Did Jackie Robinson Have Turning Points

Decent Essays

In life, people have turning points and their life changes direction. Jackie Robinson in the excerpt “ I Never Had It Made” by Jackie Robinson, Feng Ru in the excerpt “ The Father of Chinese Aviation” by Rebecca Maskell, and Melba Pattillo Beals in the excerpt “ Warriors Don’t Cry” by Melba Pattillo Beals is an example of turning points. Jackie Robinson, Feng Ru, and Melba Pattillo Beals had experiences in their life that changed them and had an impact on their country and society.

Jackie Robinson decided to fight discrimination to be the first African American to play in Major League Baseball. He did this trying to changed racial comments across the U.S. When he first came to the team, he did not fit in right away. His teammates
didn’t …show more content…

Feng Ru was very interested in aviation, so with hard work, courage, and determination he came to the U.S to learn about aviation, and was the first person to bring aviation to China and be the first aviator in China. When Feng Ru first immigrated to the U.S, he understood that industrialization made the U.S great, and he knew that industrialization would make his country China great too. So he took on this challenge to bring industrialization of aviation to China. But by doing this he had to get information on Aviation. Feng Ru went and worked at many places where he can get as much information as possible on aviation. “ So he went east to learn all he could about machines working in shipyards, power plants machine shops, anywhere he could acquire mechnical knowledge. ( Rebecca Maskell)” Feng Ru did anything he could to learn about any kind of information on aviation. He was so determined to. After getting his information on aviation he decided to start making airplanes of his own designs. Feng Ru was very creative but it also lead to danger on his life because when trying out his own designs he would sometimes crash causing him his life. He would get bruises, but would not be seriously injured. One time he crashed into his workshop requiring him to relocate his workshop somewhere else. “ During 1 test flight, Feng Ru lost control of his airplane ( not an usual occurrence), which plunged into his workshop, setting it …show more content…

She also faced challenges. Melba Pattillo Beals decided to fight discrimination,integration, and segregation by going to Central High School Little Rock, Arkansas( a white high school), changing racial comments across the U.S and proving to people that there is nothing wrong with blacks and whites going to the same school. Melba Pattillo Beals was going to a White High School putting pressure on her. She knew it was not going to be easy and knew it was a challenge. She knew people were not comfortable with her going to a White High School. White and Blacks. She knew blacks because when she was leaving to go to Central High School, many of them were worried that she would get hurt, maybe even die. They said prayers, but blacks were worried that people would harm Melba and the Little Rock 9. Blacks knew that they were going to change something in U.S going to a different school with whites. They knew it was a good thing. However, whites thought differently. White people thought it was bad for whites and blacks to go to the same school. They thought white’s and black’s were different from whites because of their skin color. She was facing discrimination from white people. “ Some of the white people looked totally horrified, while others raised their fists to us. Others shouted ugly words.” Whites should judge people on the way they look. Whites were trying to

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