
How Did Jazz Music Affect Society

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Jazz music since its beginning has played a large role in influencing people. It has helped create new forms of expression through dancing, it has helped break social and ethnic barriers and it has brought people together through collaboration and experience. An unexpected impact jazz has had on society and other musicians are its large influence on drug and alcohol addiction. Drugs and alcohol played an extremely momentous role in the creation and cultivation of jazz music. Knowing the inherent dangers of drugs and alcohol many musicians chose to ignore the inevitable outcome and sacrificed their lives for art.
It is necessary to provide a little background on the primary drug being discussed, heroin. Opium is not a new drug; it has been used in eastern cultures as far back as the Neolithic age. It was used then similarly as other opium based drugs today are used to control pain. Opium could be taken orally or by smoking it, both produce similar effects. It was in the early 1900's that the derivative of opium was introduced to the United States; this derivative was …show more content…

I do not believe that we would. Charlie Parker wrote the music the way he felt, meaning you could tell what was happening in his life when the song was composed. The tempo of the song may have been slow and he used notes in the lower register of the sax one might draw the conclusion he was sad or depressed. A faster tempo and notes in the higher register of the instrument he may have been in a good mood. Musicians draw their creativity from their experiences, feelings and emotions much in the same way artists paint pictures. Their inspiration stems from their surroundings or experiences and they translate what they feel or see into a form that the rest of the world can

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