
How Did Lee Fight In The Civil War

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General Robert E. Lee, trader, or not. When he was with the Union he was one of our greatest generals. They had many victories in the Mexican-American war because of him, was a very decorated General and he had never backed down from a fight.
General Robert E. Lee had many victories he had many of them in the Mexican American War on the other hand, he didn’t have as many in the Civil War. Lee brought all of his troops he had with him, choosing the ones he had liked, since day 1 to fight with him. He fought with the Northern Virginia army in the American- Mexican War and the Civil war. …show more content…

After Lee left West Point, the secretary of war, Jefferson Davis, transfered Lee from staff to the line and was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel 2nd Cavalry. All three of Lee’s sons served in the Confederate army,
George Washington Curtis and William Henry Fitzhugh “Rooney” attained the rank of Major General. Robert E. Lee Jr. got the rank of Captain.
Lee failed to invade the North which lead to the South losing the fight is due to he had underestimated the Union forces and thought he would be able to beat the Union in very little time. Also he had the brunt of his forces attacking Gettysburg and he had a note which was stating for Abraham Lincoln to surrender. But that wasn’t the case during the night when the Confederates troops were sleeping or standing guard, Union troops from Maryland had gone up to Gettysburg. Since the North had Gettysburg on their territory they got a break towards getting the high ground in the Battle of Gettysburg. When the South got there the union was waiting to open fire and Lee was trying to figure out his plan of how to attack them.
Lee failed on his first assault to invaded the North due to having troops in the area when Lee had attacked. He had underestimated their fighting

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