
How Did Malcolm X Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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In the times of the black community and its oppression from the whites, many predominate figures,groups,and movements came to play. Many of these legacies live today with us as a figure of what possibility and critical thinking can do for a generation. One of these great figures was civil rights activist; Malcolm X. Malcolm X or Malcolm Little was a huge key factor in the civil right movements in the late 1950s-1960s. He spoke against the injustice of the government, because of this many viewed his actions as too brash or extreme. Many viewed him as a righteous man who only had his set on equality and a righteous future for African American. Malcolm gained these views during his time in prison, it was in here that he joined a group called …show more content…

Malcolm believed that the unnecessary violence demanded action,this lead to working with local black politicians,civil right meetings, and religious groups to push against the police. It was due to this that Malcolm would have a distant relationship with the Nation of Islam and other figure Elijah Muhammad.
The 1960s, Malcolm leaves the Nation of Islam and forms his own group, Muslim Mosque. It was in this time the Malcolm met other predominant figure Martin Luther King Jr. The two attended a senate in which Malcolm gave one of his famous speech, The Ballot or The Bullet. It was here the he encourage blacks to vote but if the government kept interfering that they would most likely take up arms. Later on throughout the years Malcolm continued to gain more popularity and controversy. He gained some controversy during the assassination of John F. Kennedy with a biased …show more content…

He went traveling around and talking at schools and socialist worker parties and addressed meetings and topics. He gave more detail on his thoughts with segregation and leaving the NOI. He began to receive death threats and his past ties with Nation Of Islam began to intensify. It started to become so intense that the Nation Of Islam began attacks on him and the bombing of his vehicle. Malcolm became wary but nevertheless continued to spread his beliefs and continue to show his views on the black oppression by the

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