
Thesis For Malcolm X Assassination

Decent Essays

Assassination of Malcolm X

Malcolm x was a civil rights activist who fought mostly for the rights of African Americans. Before he went solo he was a member of the Nation of Islam. The leader of the NOI was Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm x was recruited while he was in prison he was learning about it and decided what he wanted to do for his life. Malcolm x was assassinated by black muslim rivals when Malcolm stopped supporting Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm x’s assassination was unjust because he was a civil rights activist and he was a leader of the NOI although others believe he was a criminal.

Malcolm X was a civil rights activist. He wanted equality for all people and fought for it. Malcolm said that he “ identified whites as the enemy of blacks”( gale students resources 1).He believed this because blacks were treated harshly by whites and they were made into slaves. Malcolm felt so strong about black rights. He even changed his last name to x. He did it for the black heritage that was taken …show more content…

He helped attract a lot of people to the NOI through his teachings. And he started at the bottom working at the NOI’s mosque (church). He was originally lead by Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm spoke about Elijah Muhammad and said “found me here in the muck and more of the filthiest civilization and society on this earth and made me the man i am today” (gale student resources 1). My quote relates to my claim because in the quote Malcolm x was talking about Elijah Muhammad (the leader of the NOI) and showed that Elijah Muhammad made him the man he is today and mentored and lead Malcolm x. Malcolm x soon became one of the most valued members of the NOI. Malcolm x brought over 20,000 people to the NOI through his teachings for the very few years he has been there. The NOI helped Malcolm x better prepare for the civil rights activist he was soon gonna be. He learned how to teach and mentor people like Muhammad did for

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