
How Did Margery Happened In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet?

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Margery was sitting alone in her deck chair overlooking the pebbled beaches of Westward Ho! Where she moved after her and her husband retired. She was reading Romeo and Juliet to herself for comfort, and she thought back to the time she read the book to the love of her life. She reminisced about her time in the RAF hospital during World War two. It all started on a cold, dark and gloomy night, where all you could see in the sky was planes being blown up over the Northfork coastline . Margery was looking up at the sky imagining everything that was going on. She suddenly heard a siren going off, and instantly knew what it meant, a plane had gone down and there was men who needed help. Margery rushed to the front to help out in anyway possible, she was there and that was when she saw him lying there on a stretcher being rushed into surgery, he was screaming in agony because the pain was too much for him to bear. Margery knew that the screaming was a good thing because it meant that his burns were not that deep and he could be saved. Margery rushed into the infirmary to help care for the rest of the men that were taken down in the bombings by the Luftwaffe, a swarm of the Messerschmitt 109 after their bombing raid over London. She knew it was going to be a …show more content…

This was when she decided that she would go and sit by his bedside every night until he woke up and got better, even if it took months, she knew she couldn't be without him. So every night after her shift ended she would go to her room and get her favorite book, Romeo and Juliet and read it to him act by act and telling him what she thought about it and how she felt it should have happened. It had been months of Margery sitting by Harold's bedside and she had read Romeo and Juliet to him about 3 times now and her opinion had changed everytime she read it so it never got

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