
How Did Martin Luther King Impact Society

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African Americans have just won the fight of ending slavery, now they are fighting for civil rights. After slavery African Americans they were still discriminated and looked down upon. Examples of this were they weren’t allowed to go to the same stores, drink from the same fountains, go to the same school, nor could African Americans sit in the front of the bus which was directly reserved for whites and more. Mostly all African Americans wanted to change this and make it just but didn’t have the courage to take the consequences they would face for performing these bold acts. There are a few people who did stand up for the African Americans and the inequity they endured. One of these people was Martin Luther King Jr. In his struggles to overcome racism and discrimination against African Americans, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. risked his life and became a prominent leader in the civil rights movement. One of the many impacts he had in the civil rights movement was having the Supreme Court …show more content…

In the summer of 1964 while he was at Harlem he was stoned. The people who stoned him were not whites who disagreed with civil rights but were African Americans that were Muslim. This was a shock to him because he was fighting for their rights to be equal with whites and not looked down upon. Martin Luther King said “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”(King, 17). This quote means you can either decide between two things being someone who helps or cares about them self. This relates to this situation because he could give up because his own race doesn’t accept civil rights. He realized that if he was to give up that it would be selfish and this isn’t just to help him it’s to benefit the whole African American

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