
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Civil Rights Impact

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in the 1960’s racism was a huge topic and problem in the United States, African Americans were mostly the main target. Although all blacks were supposed to be free, the public and law didn't really like that at all. Therefore, blacks got together and decided to try and change the racist culture. Multiple civil rights activists and groups appeared to fight for some equal rights. The most famous civil rights activist was Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther king Jr was very involved in the civil rights movement, he started PEACEFUL protests and boycotts. He literally did everything he could to get equal rights for the black community. In 1963 in Washington DC, Martin Luther King Jr gave his “i have a dream speech” and opened a …show more content…

The reason for “I Have a Dream” enormous impact is because of the social mood and vibe of the time and that it exploits the conditions of blacks at the time, giving black leaders and activists a vision of peace for the future. It hit hard for blacks in America and made the white population feel guilty of their actions. America was willing to give a new idea on what america should look like. In less than 20 minutes Martin Luther King influenced and motivated everyone at that time to give blacks a chance. King carefully structures his speech to appeal to the different types of audiences. He created the speech to hit the hearts of everyone in America at that time, not just black people. At the time America was very heavily racist and borderline segregation, making the lives of many blacks miserable. Martin Luther Kings speech “I Have a Dream,” was a huge impact into changing society for blacks. It inspired the younger generation of blacks to never give up on whats right and whats wrong. it made millions of the white American population to embarrassed of the way the could be so plain racist. Even today it continues to make generations of people, not just Americans to get rid their ignorant racist beliefs and to be a whole as a society. Without Martin Luther King, America could possibly be still heavily

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