
How Did Metamorphosis Change At The End Of Gregor's Life

Decent Essays

Will Herwig
Although the focus of the “Metamorphosis”, written by Franz Kafka, is around Gregor and his transformation from human to vermin, his altercation changed the families relationships and more importantly Grete’s outlook. When Gregor woke up on that cloudy day realizing his new self, Grete, his sister, was described to be a kind sole who would do anything for him and their family. Like Gregor, she changed due to his new condition and at the end of this novella, she had transformed into an independent women. Although she originally showed the most sympathy for her brother, she eventually realized the toll Gregor had on her family. This transformation took place later on in the book when for the first time she became caught up in her …show more content…

She eventually shared, “‘We must try to get rid of it,’ [Grete] now said exclusively to her father, since her mother was coughing too hard to hear anything. ‘It will be the death of you two, I can see it coming.’” (49), stating an opinion in which was completely the opposite at the beginning of this story. Through the combination of Gregor's effects on their family as well as the work in which the family endured, Grete became more realistic, finally admitting her mature thoughts on the subject. Likewise, others took notice in the transformation in which Grete was going through, commenting on how much of an adult she has really become . For her parents, “it occurred almost simultaneously to Mr. and Mrs. Samsa, as they watched their daughter getting livelier and livelier, that lately… she had blossomed into a good-looking, shapely girl.... They thought that it would soon be time, too, to find her a good husband” (55), an activity in which would signify her change from childhood to adulthood. She was able to grow up on her own, without Gregor's intended influence or even that of her parents; she became independent on her own and soon was able to share her

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