
How Did Muhammad Ali Successful

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As one of the famous boxers in the 20th century, Muhammad Ali had greater success not only in his career but also in influencing many areas in American society. He represented black people to change the racial discrimination that long existed by proving that the black people were able to be successful. He successfully fought for peace and diversity in the country by conducting different activities that helped those in need involving donations. Through determination and skillful techniques he was able to leave a memorable finger print in boxing history. Muhammad trained along with professional boxer Jimmy Ellis, also known as James Albert Ellis. “He would walk tall no matter what, no matter what you’d say: “I can beat you” said Jimmy (138). Muhammad was a great boxer because he nevertheless had more stamina and focus in the ring, which he used to intimidate his opponents.
What made Muhammad Ali a known boxer, was his uniqueness in boxing that made him the greatest of all boxers (Ezra 35). Muhammad Ali had a unique style which he utilized whenever he …show more content…

The development led to the development of the national boxing association which governs and regulates the sport. This transformation made the sport be recognized and enhanced the development of various organizations which trained more boxers who show talent in the art of boxing ("History of Boxing"). This has made boxing to be making a career where professional boxers are able to earn a living out of boxing just like any other sport. Boxing is currently included in the Olympic Games not to mention it is currently classified as a game where professional boxers from different states, can showcase their talent in the sport leading to the development of various boxing champions, such as Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali who both have great boxing

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