
How Did Prohibition Happen In The 1920s

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Prohibition The 1920’s was a crazy decade. Lots of devastating things happened and some good things happened. During the 1920’s, there was a new amendment created called prohibition- the act of prohibiting the manufacturing, storage in barrels, bottles, and transportation of alcohol. It was the 18th amendment that was added and it was in place from 1920-1933 before it was put out of place by the 21st amendment. The reason prohibition happened was because the leaders of the movement had become alarmed by all the drinking Americans had been doing. They had seen that it started to become a culture in certain areas and didn’t want it to continue. Anyone over 15 could drink and alcoholism was a problem. In the 1900’s a wave of religion and “perfectionists” had swept over the United States which increased the want for temperance. Women also had a big role in prohibition and the temperance movement. They saw alcohol as something that destroyed families and marriages. Lots of Americans were not happy with prohibition. On January 17, 1920 prohibition went into effect. People went crazy and started finding different ways to get their drinks. Bootlegging had started in this time, which was making, distributing, or selling something illegally. During the prohibition era, criminal activity …show more content…

They started with going to churches and social areas to get people to join their group and soon started pleading in many areas. They didn't care about who drank, they just cared about people’s votes. Prohibition was also supposed to solve social problems and reduce the tax burden that was created by prisons and poorhouses. Social problems just grew because of prohibition. Al capone had made violence a daily occurrence wherever he was. Tax burdens on prisons didn't really happen either. People believed that alcohol was the main reason for crimes so some towns even sold their

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