Queen Elizabeth 1: Made England a better place As Queen Elizabeth arrived at the Tower of London she said “Her lands as true as a subject, being prisoner, as ever landing at these stairs. Before Thee, O God, I speak it, having none other friends but Thee alone (Elizabeth i quotes.)” This quote shows that Queen Elizabeth was very lonely and innocent at the Tower of London as a prisoner. Queen Elizabeth 1 made England a better place while in rule. Before becoming Queen, Elizabeth was a princess. On September 7, 1533 Queen Elizabeth was born to a King and Queen in England (Biography queen elizabeth 1). While growing up, Queen Elizabeth did academic studies and sports; she also learned the art of public speaking, which was most significant later in her life (Biography queen elizabeth 1). …show more content…
She lived in her half-brother Edward's household. However, she still lived much like the daughter of a king. She had people who took good care of her and tutors who helped her with her studies. She was very bright and learned to read and write in many different languages. She also learned how to sew and play a piano-like musical instrument called the virginal. (Biography queen elizabeth 1) Later in her life when she was still a princess she got locked in the Tower of London by her half sister Mary Tudor. Mary Tudor got jealous of her and that is why she locked up her half sister. But they never really got along. After that Queen Elizabeth was crowned as queen. A few years after that Mary Tudor died (Havelin 7). Her father King Henry viii died on January 28, 1547. He died from an unhealthy diet and from hunting. Queen Elizabeth was very sad the next few days after that(Biography queen elizabeth
Elizabeth proved to be a successful and a well accomplished leader who advanced her country socially, militarily, religiously and economically. She thought of herself as Mother of England and she most certainly proved this to be true. No English woman ruler accomplished as much as Elizabeth did. Elizabeth was one of the most able rulers to ever govern England. Because of her, the way woman rulers were thought of changed forever.
Queen Elizabeth I was born to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn on September 7, 1533. The King’s termination of his marriage to Katharine of Aragon, made the birth of Elizabeth illegal. Kraus, D. 2011 Pg. 7 Elizabeth’s early years were full of conflict as the King worked to have Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth known, which meant that he had to strip his daughter Mary, by his Catholic wife Katharine, of her label as princess. Vanhoutte, J. 2007, Pg.4
Elizabeth I, was the queen of England 1558-1613, while she may have brought great success and stability to the government she was questioned in her ability to lead due to her gender. Gender became a critical part of her reign and was brought into question by numerous religious figures. Although most thought a woman was unfit to be a ruler, this did not stop Elizabeth from responding to the criticism with determination to making wise and selfless decisions that proved what a strong leader she was. This determination and leadership fueled the country with success.
Elizabeth I was the daughter of King Henry VII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. She ¿˘claimed the throne of England at the of age 25 through the years (1558-1603).Elizabeth I marked one of the highest milestones in english monarch history. She became the first queen in european history to rule a state/country without a male companion. However because this was new idea and it didn't follow the bible directly, it stirred up many controversial opinions amongst the people of England during the 16th-17th century. Near the beginning of her reign a majority of people had the idea that a women should not hold such high power; However as time went on many individuals changed their minds about the idea of a female heir .
Packet 2 (Vocabulary) Queen Elizabeth - (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) Queen Elizabeth was the queen of Ireland. She made Britain (England) a world power by defeating the Spanish Armada and starting a program for British exploration and colonization, and she also sponsored exploration voyages, and the establishment of colonies overseas. She made the Church of England the middle way between Catholics, and Protestants. Spanish Armada - Spanish Armada is also known as the “Great and Most Fortunate Navy” or the “Invincible Fleet”. It was a fleet of 130 Spanish ships under the command of Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1588.
Queen Elizabeth I was born to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn on September 7, 1533. Due to the question of the legality of the King’s annulment of his marriage to Katharine of Aragon, the birth of Elizabeth was considered illegitimate. Elizabeth’s early years were full of strife as the King worked to have Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth acknowledged, which meant that he had to strip his daughter Mary, by his Catholic wife Katharine, of her title of
Queen Elizabeth I left a great and lasting impact on the country of England. She became queen at twenty-five years old in 1558 and reigned successfully from November 17, 1558 to March 24, 1603, a total of forty-four years.
The Elizabethan Era took place from 1558 to 1603. The Elizabethan era is also known as the Golden age and was during Elizabeth I reign. This epoch in English history witnessed many threats and changes in the tide of social, political and artistic life in England. This epoch was during the time of the Renaissance and was an age of exploration and expansion abroad. This was the last period before England joined a union with Scotland.
“You must not beguile yourselves, nor wrong us… Lord, how farre should you be from our conceits” (Green, 57). The Queen always felt that she had the Lord in her heart. He was the one at the beginning that she thought believed she had what it took to become Queen and she can’t stop thanking him and everyone of her people and felt him in her heart every step she took to become Queen. The
Queen Elizabeth I became the leader of her country in 1558 when her sister, Mary, died. She was officially crowned on January 15, 1559. At the beginning of her reign Elizabeth dealt with issues caused by England’s war with France, but also religious instability, an effect of her sister’s actions. These events were important because they led to the idea of new reforms with the Act of Supremacy (1559) and Act of Uniformity (1559).
Queen Elizabeth I was born on the September 7, 1533 in Greenwich England. She was a princess but declared illegitimate through political machinations. She eventually claimed the throne at the age of 25 and held it for 44 years, keeping England in the ascendant through wars, and political and religious turmoil. She died in 1603. Elizabeth I, perhaps England's most famous monarch, grew up in complex and sometimes difficult circumstances.
Elizabeth was a different kind of Queen: quick-witted, clever and able to use feminine wiles to get her own way. Elizabeth could be as ruthless and calculating as any king before her but at the same time she was vain, sentimental and easily
Queen Elizabeth I was a major political influence from her time and still influences our world today. Elizabeth I was born on September 7th, 1533 in Greenwich, England. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII, the half-sister of King Edward VI and Queen Mary I (Ellis 1). Elizabeth did not only rule the country she had accomplished many other tasks among her lifetime. She wrote her own poems (Women Writers Of Great Britain & Europe 1), she never relied on translators since she had mastered languages like Greek, Latin, French, and Italian when she was a student (Ellis 1). Queen Elizabeth’s greatest accomplishment was being an extraordinary ruler of England. Another massive accomplishment of hers was reestablishing England back to Protestantism. Queen Elizabeth I deserves to be in the History Hall of Fame because she was a successful, popular Queen of England, who reestablished Protestantism to England.
Elizabeth’s older half-sister, Mary Tudor came to the throne. Mary, who was Catholic, earned the nickname "Bloody Mary". During the time that Bloody Mary was at the throne she married Philip of Spain, soon to be Philip the second. However Parliament blocked his accession to the English throne. She burned many Protestants at the stake. When rebels wanted to place Elizabeth on the throne Queen Mary had her arrested and sent to the Tower of London and later on to Woodstock. She remained imprisoned for five years until Mary, near death, named Elizabeth her successor. On March 17, 1558, the last Tudor monarch of England ascended the throne.
The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as "The Golden Age" of English history. Elizabeth was an immensely popular Queen, and her popularity has waned little with the passing of four hundred years. She is still one of the best-loved monarchs, and one of the most admired rulers of all time. She became a legend in her own lifetime, famed for her remarkable abilities and achievements. Yet, about Elizabeth the woman, we know very little. She is an enigma, and was an enigma to her own people.