
How Did Reconstruction Negatively Affect The Lives Of The Newly Freed African Americans

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After the Civil War, Reconstruction was supposed to begin and fix the racism and inequality, while newly freed African Americans were given more rights, they remained quite oppressed and suffered through different things during Reconstruction. Reconstruction happened after the Civil War in an attempt to have the rebellious south agree to the terms which the North (Union) demanded they agree to in order to once again be a whole nation. Slavery was among one of the many demands which the Union demanded the south to give up. The south would no longer be part of congress or even allowed to vote for quite some time, however after a while they were allowed to vote and become part of the government once again. Reconstruction was a time immediately …show more content…

Politically it was beneficial at an extent because they gained citizenship and many other rights. Socially they were negatively impacted due to the black codes, restricting their everyday life, such as prohibiting them from choosing their own line of work and even from marrying whites.
Politically, Reconstruction impacted the lives of the newly freed African Americans in a negative manner. One example of how Reconstruction negatively affected the political lives of the newly freed african americans could be found in Document “M”. The freedmen which speak in this protest say, “General we want homesteads; we were promised homesteads by the government; If it does not carry out the promises Its agents made to us, If the government having concluded to befriend Its late enemies and to neglect to observe the principles of common faith between itself and us its allies in the war you …show more content…

An example for the negative social effects which Reconstruction brought alongside its introduction could be found in Document “I” where Abram Colby states, “On the 29th of October 1869 The Klansmen broke my door open, took me out of bed, took me to the woods and whipped me three hours or more and left me for dead”. This impact was negative because alongside giving more rights, officers were unconcerned with what happened to African Americans during this time. They let people torture and mistreat them as they pleased. Sometimes they even did the beating themselves. Alongside with rights also came many misfortunes for African Americans as they weren't still viewed as equal to whites in any way in the South. Another example for the negative impacts which Reconstruction brought can be found in Document “J” where a petition of the freedmen is taken and addressed to the United States Congress in March 25th of 1871, the freedmen state, “We believe you are not familiar with… the Ku Klux Klan’s riding nightly over the country, going from country to country, and in the towns spreading terror wherever they go by robbing, whipping, ravishing, and killing our people without provocation, compelling colored people to break the ice and bathe in chilly waters of the Kentucky river…”. This shows that during reconstruction African Americans lived in

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