
How Did Richard Nixon Inaugural Address

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“I know the heart of America is good,” are words of former President Richard Nixon, whose endless efforts made a significant impact on the history of America during an era of Cold War and increased tensions. Inaugural addresses have been a custom since the first president of America, and have been religiously followed by every president afterwards. Furthermore, Nixon’s vision of fostering a better nation remained constant in both of his inaugural addresses, and his actions were successful in fulfilling his vision effectively. Nixon brought great change both domestically and internationally in the United States.
The first and second inaugural addresses of president Nixon display the same ideals. In his first speech, Nixon talks about America being a “peacemaker” nation, that will fix domestic issues such as racial inequality, education, housing, transportation, and foreign issues such as nuclear threats that are causing fear in the nation. Nixon also addresses the fact …show more content…

This was a crucial moment for America as it was easing tensions with other communist nations. Nixon also promised a decrease nuclear threat and again, fulfilled his vision of a safer nation. This is proven when he signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks treaty with the Soviet Union that halted the building of nuclear arms. This was a historic and notable moment as it reduced antiballistic missiles and a major threat to the world. As Nixon declared in his second and first address that America will progress in making “lasting peace in the world,” he did so by bombing Cambodia where North Vietnamese kept most of their supplies from, to quickly end the war. Not only this, Nixon also signed the Peace Accords which ended the direct U.S. involvement in Vietnam. This was famously known as Nixon achieving Peace with

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