
How Did Romeo And Juliet Contribute To The Tragedy

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The play Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. The play starts with Romeo being depressed over his love Rosaline. Benvolio, (Romeo's cousin) and their friends take Romeo to a Capulet party to try and get him from being depressed. At the party Romeo meets Juliet and they instantly fall in love. They don't realize they are from two houses who hate each other. Their love has to be a secret. Several tragic events happen before the main tragedy of the play is their death. Three characters whose unique traits contribute to the tragedy are Benvolio, Friar Lawrence, and Paris. Benvolio contributed very little to the play, but he set up the plot line. At first Romeo was in love with Rosaline (21). Romeo didn't want to do anything other than think of being with her. It took awhile, but Benvolio finally convinced Romeo to go to the Capulets party. Benvolio took Romeo to the party which allowed him to meet Juliet. Without Benvolio, they would have never met. Benvolio was a peacemaker as seen when he tried to stop a fight in the streets of Verona (13). …show more content…

He married Romeo and Juliet thinking it would end the feud between the two houses; his plan failed (89) (91). Friar Lawrence is always there for Romeo and Juliet.He made the plan for Juliet to fake her death also. She was to drink the poison he gave her and she would be "dead" for 24 hours. Then Romeo would go to the mausoleum and they could be together. However, Romeo wasn't informed of this plan because he was banned from Verona and he never opened the letters he was sent. Friar Lawrence could be at blame some for the

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