
How Did Romeo And Juliet Show Friendship

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Friendships have a lot of important qualities. In the book Romeo and Juliet, Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio show loyalty, trust and standing up for each other. One important quality that Romeo and his friends show is trust. Romeo seems to trust Benvolio because at the beginning of the story he told Benvolio why he was sad. Romeo expresses Out of her favor where I am in love. (1.1.162) This explains that Romeo is telling Benvolio that he is sad because he loves Rosaline but she doesn't feel the same way. This also shows trust between Romeo and Benvolio because it shows Romeo trusts Benvolio enough to tell him about her and why he was sad. Another way they showed friendship is when they showed loyalty. They showed loyalty to each other when Tybalt

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