
How Did Sir Robert Peel Influence Policing

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Antonio J Williams
Introduction to Police Theory and Practices
March 28, 2017 History of American Policing Analysis
The impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing
Sir Robert Peel has had a profound impact on modern police tactics, and although he was British, he also significantly influenced American policing as well. Some specific examples of Sir Robert Peel’s influence on American policing can be seen in the fact that badge numbers are issued to police officers and then used for accountability and reference purposes, the police department strategy that advocates focusing on quality interactions with the public instead of simply arrest numbers, and the use of strategic beat officers to develop positive community relations. …show more content…

These principles are frequently summarized into the main notions that the “police are the people, the people are the police, and that crime prevention is possible without heavy intrusion into citizens’ lives” (Kappeler & Gaines, 2015). In terms of specifics, the nine principles can be understood as follows:
1) The mission and purpose of the police is to prevent crime and disorder.
2) Police power is derived from public approval of police actions.
3) Police must have the voluntary support and cooperation of the public in order to maintain public safety.
4) The use of force by the police diminishes public cooperation.
5) Public favor is developed by absolute and impartial law enforcement.
6) Police should only use physical force when absolutely necessary.
7) The police are the public and the public are the police.
8) Police should never abuse their …show more content…

The state level consists of organizations such as the state police and state troopers, the county level typically consists of the county sheriff and associated county level police officers, and the local/city level consists of city police. As the names of these various levels of law enforcement indicate, the state troopers and associated state level police officers have jurisdiction and authority over highways and state buildings. The county sheriffs, on the other hand, frequently operate the county jails and also have jurisdiction and patrol authority over unincorporated areas in a county. Finally, the city police force has jurisdictional authority over areas within the city limits and the city police will also operate city jails (Adams,

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