
How Did Slavery Should Abolish Slavery In The 1800s

Decent Essays

Slavery as we know will become greatly popular during the 1830-1860’s. The question for all Americans was whether they should abolish slavery or not. The American government will continue to ignore the slavery issue for other issues that occurred during the Second Great Awakening. The Northern Americans believed that slavery was wrong and evil. The Southerners believed that it was good for their economy and commerce. The attitudes towards their slaves will change to a certain extent in the 1830-1860’s which will lead to the Civil War. McDuffie attacks the Northern abolitionist. He supports the institution of slavery as a good thing rather than an evil. He states that it benefits both the slaves and the society. McDuffie’s ideas were to support the southern defense of slavery. This document states that the South had less harsh working conditions than the North. His argument is that working slaves is not wrong because they are doing as much work as the white Northern man in better conditions. The slaves are better off and that they live better than anyone else (Doc 1). The Southern working slave would work on the fields helping the production of cotton. Once the cotton gin was invented, it helped the production of cotton and the growth of slavery. Two-thirds of your southern economy didn’t own any slaves and your average slave owner had 4 to 5 slaves. By the 1860’s, they stopped buying slaves because they were getting expensive. When it came to their slaves, they hated the

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