
How Did The Articles Of Confederation Dbq

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During the Revolutionary war, America was under a government called the Articles of Confederation. Fearing a tyrannical ruler, the Articles gave states more power than the National Government. However, it became apparent that the Articles were not functioning properly, as the economy and wealth of America plummeted. At one point, a mob of Massachusetts farmers rebelling into what would be called Shays rebellion. Our current government, the Constitution, was the solution to the chaos created by the Articles. The Constitution was a necessary change for the success of the United states, because it addressed taxes, law enforcement, and court systems. The Articles of Confederation did not allow the national government to collect taxes. After the Revolutionary war, America had many war debts. They also needed to be able to pay the soldiers who served in the army. However, because of their inability to tax, they were unable to get the money to pay off debts. In a letter to George Washington, James Madison once wrote that the government should have “the right of taxing both exports and imports”, and that they should have the regulation of trade. Also, there was no official currency while the Articles were taking effect. There …show more content…

In the Articles, however, there is no sure way to make people follow the laws. Each state could have their own army to take care of it, but not all states had an army. For example, in Shay’s rebellion, the states were lucky that Massachusetts happened to have an army to take care of things. Alexander Hamilton has said these words, “I am persuaded that a firm union is as necessary to perpetuate our liberties as it is to make us respectable”. If the states do not unite, then the regulations of the country are too flimsy for people to respect and follow. Under the Constitution, however, America has a president to enforce laws as well as many bodies of military

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