
How Did The Atomic Bomb Affect Society

Decent Essays

On the 6th August 1945 the Enola Gay, a USA warplane, dropped an atomic bomb (called the “Little Boy”) on a Japanese city called Hiroshima. This was the first time the atomic bomb was used in war. The bomb exploded at around 580 m above the ground with the equivalent power of 15 kilotons of TNT. Sixty six thousand people died instantly from the heat and impact of the bomb. Three days later, on the 9th August, the US decided to drop a second and bigger atomic bomb (called the “Fat Man”), on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. The “Fat Man” had an equivalent power of 20 kilotons of TNT, causing more than fourthly thousand deaths. The dropping of the bombs, which was on the order of the US President Harry Truman, remains the only nuclear attack …show more content…

Japan surrendered 5 days later signaling the end of the war. It also changed how the military operated, affected Japan’s land and people and increased our knowledge on science and technology.

The dropping of the atomic bombs changed warfare forever. Initially during the Manhattan Project, which was the codename for the American project to develop of nuclear weapons, and the testing of the bomb in New Mexico, the Americans not realise the impact it would have on the world. They knew the bomb would end the war, but the priority was to be the first to develop this powerful weapon; before the Germans or Japanese. The use of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in a much bigger impact than expected. Apart from the surrender of the Japanese, deaths and devastation, these events caused fear in other countries. Suddenly the USA had a weapon that could destroy the world over and over again. Other countries joined in the race to also own their own atomic bomb. The USSR and USA started to build even more destructive bombs such as the Tzar Bomba, which was made by the soviets. “The bombs caused not only counties to fear them but also the solders because of this fact they started to places in law’s about nuclear weapon uses,

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