
How Did The Baby Boom Affect The Economy

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Following World War II, the United States experienced a high birth rate, adding on average 4.24 million new babies to the population every year between 1946 and 1964. The generation of baby boomers resulted a strong post war economy. Americans thought confident that they would be able to support a larger number of children. The baby boom influenced the economy as a core demographic for products tied to their age from toys. After nine months after World War II ended, “the cry of the baby was heard across land.” More babies was born in 1946 then ever before. There was 3.4 millions more then in 1945.
This was the beginning of the baby boom. The unusual size of the baby boom generation was hadn’t had any positive effects. The baby boom lasted nearly 20 years. In 1947, 3.8 millions babies was born. In 1952, 3.9 millions were born. Another 4 million were born every year from 1954 until 1964. In 1694, the boom finally calmed down. Similar baby boom occurred during the same time period as fertility rates in Canada, New Zealand and Iceland higher than those in the United States. School of economic thought suggest that the baby boom was caused by the rising of male incomes and falling women's wages. The …show more content…

Most baby boomers will be retiring and it was because the social security to drain and future people who will retire in throughout the upcoming year to consider other ways to finance their retirement. They are the highest earners in the United States. Boomers have an impact on the buying habits of Americans. They contribute about 77% of wealth in America. Without baby boomers, many retail businesses would suffer from much lower profits. The baby boomers are growing older and developing issue’s because of their age, their is more of a demand for health care workers. Their is a high demand for trained professionals in every area of health care because of the baby

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