
How Did The Gold Rushes Affect Australia's Economy

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The gold rushes was a major event in Australian history. The gold rushes were important because it shaped Australia’s economy. The gold rushes started in 1851 when Edward/William Hammond Hargreaves discovered gold in the New South Wales colony on the 12th of February. The gold rushes made people quit their jobs with hope that they would find gold and become rich. In 1852 the gold rushes bought 90,000 people to Victoria. When all the hotels and all the accommodation was full people started putting up tents. One example is canvas city located in Victoria. The gold rush also ended transportation of convicts into Australia.In 1851 on the 12th of February news had spread that gold was discovered by William Hammond Hargraves in the …show more content…

Whenever diggers made more money than they needed they would go out for a beer of buy more advanced tools. On average in 1852 the average annual earnings of Victorian diggers was just under 300 pounds, back then that was equivalent to 3 years of hard labour on the average man wage. In total there was £ 125,000,000.00 worth of gold dug up between 1851 and 1861. Living standards rose for most Australians and the gold rushes increased the percentage of Australian living in urban areas. All occupations wages grew because diggers were demanding more things. The gold rushes bought improved transportation, communications and other amenities were accelerated by the gold rushes. A lot of money was brought in when it was Christmas because all the diggers went to Melbourne to celebrate. Seaports benefitted as well as Bendigo and Ballarat because they had a lot of gold fields. Squatters also benefitted from selling mutton and tallow for candle making. The wool industry was revived because there was a lot of diggers who wanted new clothes. Overall the gold rush had a massive impact on Australia’s

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