
How Did The Great Depression Affect The Economy

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The Great Depression, which began in America in October 1929, was a time of great poverty all across the world. Starting with the stock market crash and then spreading to banks and eventually into other countries, the Great Depression left more than 16 million people jobless in America, and led to the closing of more than 800 banks. Herbert Hoover was president when this tragedy struck, and because he did not take action to help the American people, was not re-elected. Instead, the people chose to elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt who initiated the government’s increased involvement in our everyday life. Roosevelt began this process by reforming the banks, and went on to use the government to become involved in many different organizations, including the stock market. Although this did not end the Great Depression, it had a powerful impact in boosting America’s spirit. Many people around the world had to leave their homes in order to make a living for themselves. One of the first things that I think of when I think of the Great Depression are the hoboes who would …show more content…

Many people look to the government to completely solve their problems, but in this instance, I think that the people could have done more. When businesses saw that the economy was coming back up some, they should have taken the initiative and increased their production some. This would basically do what World War II did. World War II increased demand, and because of that production was increased, and more people were employed, and then they had more money to put back into the economy. If businesses had employed more people and increased production, then people would have had more money to spend on products, which would have brought the economy back up. The only problem with this is that most businesses would have had to do this at the same time, and the banks would have to be willing to loan them the money to do

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