
How Did The Reformation Affect Western Europe

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Before the Reformation, most of the world was catholic with orthodox religion and Islamic religions dominate in other regions as well, yet the Roman Catholic Church was prominent in Europe at the time. However, this changed in the 1600 and other religions such as Anglican, Lutheran, Protestant, and Calvinist emerged and were accepted by different regions/empires (Map of Each Region and It's Division in Religion from 1600). Peace was brought to the Holy Roman Empire when the religious wars ended and rulers could decide between being Catholic or Protestant (The Religious Peace of Augsburg(1555)). Moreover, the Treaty of Westphalia further developed the acceptance of other beliefs differing from the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, Europe was changed forever by being permanently split in religion and not just all catholic. The cause of this …show more content…

Luther also believed that an individual conscience had the right to decide what was right instead of believing everything the church said (Luther at the Diet of Worms). Before whatever the church said was absolutely true, but Protestant beliefs state otherwise. Thus, Protestant beliefs changed Europe drastically in religious aspects compared to the catholic orthodox Europe before the Reformation. Similarly, Protestants opposed authority, because Luther encouraged the idea that all are equal in God's eyes and people are a priesthood of believers, as well as the concept of only the bible was the religious truth. Therefore, since all were equally close to god the Pope and clergy could not be especially close to God and since they were human to the Church could make mistakes. Furthermore, since the bible was the only religious truth what the Church announced was not what God said. Hence, Protestants did not agree with the clergy and papacy making them opposed to

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