
How Did The Scientific Revolution Contribute To The Enlightenment

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The Enlightenment was an intellectual and cultural movement in the 17th and 18th centuries that ended with a changed Europe by moving science away from religion, using reason, logic, and experiments to answer a question, and led to a new outlook on life. In Europe, there were stronger and more powerful rulers, a growth of trade, and a new awareness of ancient Greek learning. The Renaissance played a crucial role in the development of the Enlightenment. People became more curious about the world around them. Humanists stressed the importance of learning about many new things. Furthermore, the Scientific Revolution, a new understanding of the world around us and how it works, is known as which contributed to the start of the Enlightenment era. Education played an important role in the development of Europe’s society …show more content…

Open debate became celebrated so that people began to spread their personal ideas about the issues of that day among each other. Many people would also attend salons, which played a more important role in the lives of the wealthy than the peasantry. Salons would usually be held in the homes of rich Parisians where philosophes would debate literature, science, and philosophy. Although the lower class was unable to attend these events, it was inevitable for them to not hear about the new ideas of the time. Cheap pamphlets became popular and the prices of books were dropping all contributed to the knowledge of the commoner. The peasantry may have been excluded from academies and salon discussions because they were thought to be too unsophisticated, but they still found ways to learn new information. With book prices dropping, literacy rates rising and cheap pamphlets being made hearing new ideas became easier than ever before. Public reading could take place in libraries and were easily accessible to

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