
How Did The Tea Act Angered The Most During The American Revolution

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what acts angered the colonists most during the American Revolution? During this time, the American Revolution made colonists want to have independence. After every act Parliament passed, it made the courage of independence more wanted to the colonists. The acts that mostly made the colonists want independence were the Tea Act, Coercive Act, and The Stamp Act.

The Tea Act angered, and led the colonists wanting independence because the East India Company made their tea really cheap and the British tea stayed expensive as it was before. Parliament made the East India Company tea really cheap, so the colonists would buy their tea, and make the East India Company gain more money from all the tea bought from the colonists. The colonists thought that was unfair so they dumped all eighteen million pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was …show more content…

This tax was horrible for the colonies because colonists needed to know what was happening since there was a lot of change happening.So, newspapers were handy. This made sending newsletters to colonies expensive. The colonists protested and kept repeating, “No taxation without representation” This made the colonists boycott British goods.
The Tea Act, Coercive Act, and Stamp Act mostly made the colonists angered, and want independence. The Tea Act made it unfair with how the East India Company gets a lot of money from cheap tea the colonists had to buy. The Coercive Act closed the Boston Harbor, made the colonists pay for the lost tea from the Boston Tea Party, let soldiers barge into their homes, and stay as long as they wanted to. The Stamp Act gave a huge tax on anything that had to due with paper. This is why the Tea Act, the Coercive Act, and the Stamp Act made the colonists angered, and want

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