
How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Treaty Help Cause Ww2?

Decent Essays

There are many people that would gladly argue about what had started WW2. I believe that the Treaty of Versailles is the main cause for many different reasons such as Germany’s depression and that they didn’t really enforce the treaty. The treaty took place in 1919 after WW1, It was a treaty that caused the Germans to lose their army and the Rhineland which allowed the Nazi’s to reach power. Firstly, I believe that the treaty caused WW2 since the treaty had caused Germany to pay a lot of money for reparations of the war which had put Germany in a depression for about 11 years until they reached stability. When you are looking at the chart that is comparing the impact of the depression in the U.S, Great Britain and Germany. Which when you …show more content…

did not join the League of Nations, which the League of Nations had been created at the time of the treaty. When we were reading in History Live you were able to read that Woodrow Wilson had created the League of Nations but, we did not join. When FDR was our president at the time he had chose to stay isolated and out of war. I believe that if we had joined the League of Nations we could’ve done something against the Germans since the British and the French had not done a thing at the time. You also can read that the U.S. was the most powerful out of all of the other countries in the League of Nations, therefore if we joined we could’ve been a support system for all of the countries. In conclusion, there were many things that could’ve started the war which many people do argue about what did start the war. I believe that the Treaty of Versailles was the key reason WW2 started. The treaty took place in 1919 after WW1 which caused the Germans to pay for the war and many other effects. Some of the effects of it were the fact that Germany tried to take back the Rhineland since it was taken away from them and the fact Germany had not been stable which led to many other

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