
How Did Vietnam's Struggle For Independence?

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Following the conclusion of World War II, the world began to see a ray of light. Six years of international turmoil culminated into the bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, promptly followed by the Japanese surrender to the Allied Powers. The Western world enjoyed prosperity following the end of World War II, with America having the richest of gains. However, the future was not as bright for those outside of Western society. Many nations were under colonial rule by Western powers, and movements began to grow as these countries sought their own independence. The restlessness associated with these decolonization movements made them the ideal time for communistic ideology to make its way into their respective revolutions. The Western world feared …show more content…

Much of Vietnam’s success against the French occupants can be attributed to the resources they gained from the Chinese Communist Party, who were close allies with the Viet Minh during the Indochina War (Hunt, 125). These successes come in spite of the fact that the United States assisted the French during these years of war (Hunt, 125). Without this additional assistance from American forces, the French would have most likely retreated even earlier, given that “the war was eating up 10 percent of France’s national budget” (Hunt, 125). On a similar note, without the French receiving American forces, the Viet Minh may not have necessarily turned towards the Chinese Communist Party in an effort to defeat the French. America intervened on the side of colonialism in an effort to deter communism manifesting itself in the Vietnamese revolution, but it almost encouraged it. Without joining the fight out of a larger fear, America may have been happier with the overall outcome of the Indochina War had they not chosen sides. However, they did choose to play a part in this conflict, and made more chaotic and severe than it may have been …show more content…

became involved in the dispute over the AIOC due to their everlasting fears of communism, which proved to be especially effective in regions of chaotic restlessness, such as Iran. The Iranian population already proved themselves to be unhappy with the immediate outcomes of nationalizing the AIOC, all before the CIA set up demonstrations. Mossadeq’s overthrow could have happened organically amongst Iranian politicians, but America hastened the process. The CIA disruptions came as a low blow to a leader who already suffered from his new-found infamy amongst Iranian civilians. Hunt attributes these series of events as the “seeds for an Islamic revolution,” directly tracing it back to the work of America (Hunt, 285). Britain and Iran would have settled their disputes over time, but the constant fear of communism propelled America into the foreground of said clash. The conflict over the AIOC shows that the Cold War not only accelerated the decolonization process of Iran, but also made it

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