
How Do Civil Rights Affect Our Society

Decent Essays

There is nothing more vital to the essence of human functionality than the ability to pursue your best life. Since colonization, freedom had been a term that was commonly left to interpretation by those who had the power to make the rules: religious/political leaders and the wealthy. The rights that Americans consider givens today were withheld from many individuals because of their race, gender or religion. As an individualist, I believe in discretion, volition, druthers, and I very much appreciate my independence. Though I was not alive to witness the creation of the U.S. Constitution or the immediate effects of its enactment, I believe that it most affects my life today because it contracted my inalienable civil rights and settled government practices that are still utilized to …show more content…

Constitution on December 15, 1791. Since then, twenty-seven rectifications have been added to keep up with the evolving demands of America. The U.S. Constitution “insured domestic Tranquility” by establishing the national government and our highly coveted, indispensable rights. As a U.S. citizen, I have been gifted with the rights mentioned and alluded to in the U.S. Constitution; these are the birthrights of every living American. There are centuries of ethical and political reform movements that initiated and brought about the necessary changes in society that we know today, but these amendments are often taken for granted or unknown. The first amendment, arguably the most important, protects the freedoms of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition; commonly exercised liberties. Without the guarantee of these immensely fundamental prerogatives, America would be a tyrannical, communist dystopia. Hypothetically, if the authors of the U.S. Constitution did not thoroughly investigate and include the rights listed on this extensive itinerary, I would be living the life of a prisoner; freedom would be a

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