
How Do High College Tuitions Effect College Students?

Decent Essays

In America, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduated with student loan debt in 2014 (Liscomb,). High college tuitions have affected many students and will continue to hurt more students like me in the following years. As a sophomore thinking about college and tuitions, the costs and requirements put families and students under a great deal of pressure and concerns for the future of these students. High college tuition is a tremendous issue that has caused many students to graduate with thousands of dollars in debt, this situation can be resolved by expanding student aids and scholarships as well as stopping the annual rise of tuitions. High college tuitions cause many students to have a bad start to their career due to the thousands of dollars in student loans and debts. “Student debt now tops $1 trillion” according to(citation).This proves that student debt has reached and will continue to rise to overwhelming numbers. Kevin Carey, the …show more content…

There are four main types of financial aid college students can choose from; grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study funds.” The large increases in grant aid from 2009-2011 have slowed and have not kept pace with rising tuitions.” This proves that tuitions have not stopped rising and student aid programs are not keeping up with this steady rise which in turn puts pressure and stress on families and students.
As stated by others, colleges are now helping students more than ever with their tuition fees. “ In terms of overall financial aid, colleges are now helping students pay for college more so than ever before” which would show that colleges are helping. In reality, the cost for college “works out to about $23,000 this year, a figure that, adjusted for inflation, has not varied much for 10 years” which proves that colleges are maintaining their tuitions instead of lowering

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