
How Do Mothballs Or Ammonia Help In Spelling Squirrels

Satisfactory Essays

Do mothballs or ammonia help in repelling squirrels? Moth balls and ammonia are one of the most common repellents that people use to get rid of nasty squirrels, but, unfortunately, they are not very useful. There are several ways how to use these repellents and hope for the best results, although it usually won’t fix your problem with the rodents. Ammonia drives the squirrels mad because of their developed sense of smell and can scared them away for some time. Also, it reminds them to the urine of the predators and natural enemies. All you have to do is to wet some rags with ammonia and put them in the area in which squirrels are living in. You have to do that in a proper manner and very safely and at the same time effective. Make sure that

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