
How Does Anorexia Nervosa Affect Patient Recovery

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1-Patient with PTSD often witness or experience an event that create a psychological problem where they become unable to function normally. For example war veterans or a person who witness a brutal crime. Nurse to assess mental status of the patient, suicidal risk and remain with the client during the period where client are unable to control his or her emotion. Assess any substance abuse that might affect patient recovery. Nurse to provide safety and comfortable environment where patient can feel confortable to express his or herself without being judge. According to the textbook, patient who screen positive for PTSD have a comprehensive assessment that indicate the history of their onset, frequency, course, severity and degree of their functional impairment. Nurse to assess for suicidal or violent ideation, family supports, insomnia, social withdrawal, functional impairment, current life stressors, medication, past medical and psychiatric history. …show more content…

They view themselves as if they are overweight. As a result of their poor intake of food they become vulnerable to certain type of diseases such as hypertension low blood pressure or orthostatic hypotension. They often have downy hair on the face and back, poor skin turgor etc. The clinical presentation of Anorexia Nervosa are; patient have low body weight, amenorrhea, yellow skin, lanugo, cold extremities, peripheral edema, muscle weakening, constipation, abnormal laboratory values, abnormal computed tomographic scans, electroencephalographic changes, Cardiovascular changes and impaired renal

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