
How Does Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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Who did it better? When it comes to speeches you have to use pathos, logos, and ethos; especially for a funeral speech. Pathos is the use of emotion, ethos is ethics and credibility, and logos is logic. Between Brutus and Mark Anthony, from the play “Julius Caesar’’ by William Shakespeare, Antony gave the best argumentative speech using the rhetorical strategies. This is because Antony used all three strategies throughout his speech better. In both speeches are the use of pathos. In Antony’s hes says: “For Brutus, as you know was Caesar’s angel… this was the most unkindest cut of them all.” (Act 3, Scene 2) What he means by this is that Caesar loves Brutus a lot, But Brutus betrayed him and it hurt him so. This is pathos because of visual images or words that inspire you to empathize of have compassion toward the idea or topic. “Any dear friend of Caesar’s, to him I say, that Brutus’ love to Caesar was no less than his.” (Act 3 Scene 2) What Brutus means is that if anybody that was a friend to Caesar that he loved Caesar as much as his friends did. This is pathos because it appeals to the heart and emotion and because if personal connections. But compared to the example from Antony’s it lacked the compassion and empathy that was clearly shown in the example. …show more content…

In Antony’s speech he said, “Yet Brutus says he was ambitious… I thrice presented him the kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?” (Act 3, Scene 2) Both of the examples show the use of logos. Both brutus and Antony used critical reasoning to persuade the people. But Antony used facts and logical reasons and explanations, unlike Brutus who used mostly explanations of his idea that Caesar was ambitious, which wasn’t a

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