
How Does Anxiety Affect The Body

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How does anxiety affect our physical being?

Anxiety is basically the fight-or-flight mode that triggers the body's hormonal imbalance and causes changes in the body. Some of the common symptoms are:

•Nausea and dizziness



•Acceleration of the heart rate

•Hyperventilation or shortening of breath

•Tension in the muscle leading to persistent muscle ache

•Excessive sweating

•Shivering, especially of hands and legs

•Nervous tick

•Listlessness and irritability

•Drying of mouth and a constant feeling of thirst

Apart from these common and harmless symptoms, anxiety could lead to various threatening conditions.

To start with, anxiety can weaken the immune system, which is the body's defense mechanism against diseases. Anxiety releases a surge of adrenaline, which temporarily raises the count of white blood cells in the body. These blood cells as it is known, helps to fight disease leading to germs and bacteria in the …show more content…

Directly, a loss of appetite and heartburn could disrupt the normal eating and digestion procedure, but anxiety can also cause inflammation of the lining of the digestive system. This could lead to stomach ulcers and a digestive condition known as the irritable bowel syndrome.

If you are looking to improve your professional life, one thing that you need at all times is presence of mind and a good memory. Being stressed out and nervous can impair your ability to concentrate and can lead to short-term memory loss. This is especially common amongst students preparing for exams. They tend to forget half of the syllabi on account of being stressed out with the very thought of taking the exam.

By far the worst effect of anxiety is on the heart and stress-caused heart conditions are getting common by the day. A combination of heartburn, weakening of the immune system and an anxious restless mind, could have an adverse effect on the heart, paving the way for heart

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