
How Does Arthur Miller Show Sacrifice In The Crucible

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“There is no decision that we can make that doesn’t come with some sort of balance or sacrifice” (Simon Sinek). In The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, John and Elizabeth Proctor’s relationship changes from one full of lies and conflict, to a relationship that demonstrates sacrifice, when both characters learn to put one another before themselves. Miller suggests that often sacrifice is a result to one’s honesty or dishonesty, but putting one another first is more important than the truth and lies. John and Elizabeth Proctor had a marriage that was polluted by lies and distrust, in the beginning of Arthur Miller’s play. Fights broke out between them often, when Elizabeth would question John about Abigail, a girl with whom John …show more content…

Elizabeth was convicted as a witch, to be executed by Abigail, because Abigail wanted John for herself. John felt the impact of the situation, and began to blame himself, “My wife will never die for me! I will bring your guts into your mouth but that goodness will not die for me!” (Miller 862). John called his wife goodness because of her persistent honesty. He admired her for her actions, so he knew he had to sacrifice anything to save her, so he decided to sacrifice his name. During the middle of a court trial, John told the judge about his actions with Abigail that sparked the situation. In Salem, rumors spread fast, and John knew that if he told the court soon everybody would know and they would judge him for it. Not only would he suffer public embarrassment but he also risked being put into jail for adultery. Honesty was highly valued in their society, and lying can often be found to be a sacrifice too. After John revealed the truth Elizabeth was brought into the court to explain if it was true or not. When asked directly whether John had cheated on her, Elizabeth decided where her loyalty lied, “No sir” (Miller 874). The lie resulted in John’s death, but at the time Elizabeth had tried her best at saving his life. She sacrificed her goodness, in hopes of keeping her

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